Cameron Highlands Tea Plantation, Malaysia

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Petai beans a.k.a Stink beans

My hubby has the crave for petai beans. It's appetising and one of his all-time favourites. However, some people may not appreciate these beans as the perculiar smell is unbearable. In other words, petai earned its nickname 'stink bean' due to its pervasive smell. You either love it or loathe it. The beans can be taken raw or cooked in sambal chilli.

Here's my basic and simple recipe: (serves 2-3)

1/2 cup of peeled petai beans
2 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
Salt and sugar to taste
I bought this ready home-made Sambal chilli from the wet market

Medium-sized prawns and anchovies


Heat up oil and stir fry anchovies until fragrant
Saute garlic, add in prawns, stir well,
Add in sambal, stir gently, followed by a little bit of water,
Toss in petai beans but don't overcooked,
Add in salt and sugar to taste,
Bring to boil and served hot.

This spicy dish is best served with plain white rice