Ever heard of
Manuka Honey? I actually had never heard of it until recently, when my friend brought me some from a trip to New Zealand. I particularly love the texture of it as it is rich and creamy, the taste is less sweeter than normal honeys and it has a unique unforgettable aroma which stands out amongst the honey varieties I've tasted.
For those who have never heard of this product, it's a medical grade honey that is derived from the nectar of the flower which grows on Manuka trees that is native to New Zealand and is renowned for its amazing antioxidant and anti bacterial properties. As this product is unknown to me in some ways, I did a bit of research and discovered that it contains the most healing properties compared to normal honeys.
More interestingly, I also discover the resources of the rating system known as Unique Manuka Factor or
UMF. The higher the rating, the more potent the honey. If something sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. I know the good stuff with a UMF rating is relatively expensive to be given as souvenirs. Although the one that I got was just an ordinary manuka honey with no UMF trademark, but what the heck, sup it and enjoy it, and sure I have a nice looking souvenir jar at the end of it. :) I'm just thrilled to be able to get one from NZ.
I was told that Manuka honey is available in many Kiwi homes and is favoured by most honey fans. :D So people, if you ever visit NZ, don't forget to bring me back some of those tasty Manuka Honey.
Photo courtesy of Melissa. This is Manuka also known as New Zealand Tea Tree. Its leaves are small and prickly and its flowers bear white to pink coloured flowers.
First Commenter - JL