Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tough Times Ahead
Last week we were informed that there will be a staggering number of employees who will be likely to be laid off. I might be on the list. How utterly sad, it's unbelievable.
The way I look at it, the retrenchment might most likely hit the workers who have attained the age of 55 years and above or highly paid employees. There was a hue and cry at my workplace when my company announced this heart wrenching news. Everyone fears of losing their jobs if the country’s economy appears to be looking bleak.
Nevertheless, it's up to the company to decide whom they wish to retrench. Somehow, I don't have the courage to face the uncertainties ahead. I'm not sure if I can get another job if I were laid off but god willing, I hope that I'll survive this fall. At a time like this, I guess I must take a closer look at how I deal with my careless spending on items I don't need. Times have changed, no thanks to the economic downturn.
I guess life can't exactly be a bed of roses, things move on and nothing stays the same. So we'll see, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Seafood Dinner
Last night, we had a seafood dinner at the downtown of Bedong which is within the vicinity of Alor Setar. My parents and another sister joined us too. It was my first time patronizing this restaurant.
Overall, I might consider patronizing other restaurants next time. Their service wasn’t up to our expectation too. It took them a quite long time to serve our food. I have tried some of other restaurants but never had the opportunity to blog about it. Somehow, I managed to get a quick shot of these pictures. But of course, we had a great time chatting and hanging out together.
My hubby foots the bill and the total comes to RM121 for 8 hungry adults with 2 kiddos.
overall food rating:2/5
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Pink Sisterhood

1- Fara 2- Massy 3- N.O.Y 4- Mariuca 5- A Great Pleasure 6- LadyJava 7- Turn-u-Off 8-Life Ramblings 9-YOU next!
Hmm....nominate only 7 blogs? Sorry Monica, I broke the rule of the tag.
This tag is open to anyone who wants to participate. Just let me know if you have joined The Pink Sisterhood, so I can add your link on my list.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Learning the Harmonica
She is keen in learning the harmonica and pretty much enjoyed playing the instrument after learning a few basics. It wasn't long before she became fascinated by the raw sound of that humble instrument. It is also small, inexpensive and safe for children, which makes it handy to carry around.
The school has provided free music sheets and my daughter has been practising constantly. Infact, she's been selected by her tutor to give a harmonica performance for the upcoming farewell concert.
This is awesome and I'm going to purchase one and give it a try too. You can make sensational music by blowing in and out to make different notes and tunes. I'm sure it's going to be a fun-filled learning experience. By praticing regularly, you will have a steady foundation and be able to play any music you can find the tabs for.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Home-cooked Spaghetti Bolognese
My family simply loves this Italian dish. It also happens to be one of my favourite dishes I enjoy cooking. It's fast, easy and a good standby especially when it comes to my 'lazy to cook' weekend. It's like merely putting ready made ingredients together and not really cooking.
3 button mushrooms
About 100g of mince meat/chicken/beef
1 small onion (diced)
heat the cooking oil in a pan, saute garlic and onions until light brown.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Happy Children's Day

Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Goal, A Process of Ongoing Improvement

It's a truly inspiring book which is about the principles of manufacturing. It's generally about people trying to understand what makes their world a better place so that they can make life more fulfilling.
I'd highly recommend this book especially to all who are working in a manufacturing environment.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Hobbies for kids
I need to start planning some activities to keep my kiddos preoccupied. Otherwise, I have more squabbling, disagreements and bickering to listen to at home. Children need pastimes to explore new exposures and to grow as individuals.
I always encouraged my kiddos to partake in any opportunities that they find to be delightful, exciting and beneficial at the same time. Nevertheless, I'm in the midst of searching suitable activities for them. I believe hobbies are educational tools and it will benefit them in many ways.
I notice my kiddos can be so addictive to online games or Playstation 2 that when I approach them to help me with the house chore, they would give me 101 excuses and vanished from thin air. Looks like the internet access has become the most important tools for children these days. At times I wonder if the virtual world would affect my kiddos' social development.
I'll be taking a couple of days of work and take of to Kuala Lumpur for my sister's wedding in December with the kiddos. Wedding aside, we needed to do something fun with the kids during the school holidays, and I haven't been out that way for quite some time due to our work commitments.
How wonderful if we can go somewhere far, far away and stay in luxury hotels like the ones in Las Vegas? Let's get real here, I know I can never afford that luxury, so dream on Life Ramblings!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Happy Halloween
I've never been to a Halloween party, that is because it's not in our culture of doing this. As believable as it sounds, it's not a common practise here for children to go "trick or treating" around the community or engaging in any other Halloween activities.
On the other hand, I've always wondered how it's like to be celebrating the occasion and donning some of those masquerade masks and costumes. It's unimaginable to dress as someone else. Needless to say, Halloween celebration is incomplete without the peculiar costumes that mark the freaky event.
As I was browsing the net this morning, I came across the website of Costume Cauldron which is an online store for kids and adults. From kids' adorable costumes to hot, sexy adult costumes, you'll be amazed at the extensive variety of outfits to select from. If you're keen in fashion or want to come up with something unique, then this website is a recommended visit.
In conjunction of Halloween, Nuffnang (my blog advert company) and Nokia are collaborating to mark the first festivity of this special occasion. As you can notice the banner below, it would be a night of Silent Halloween. You might wonder how this occasion could possibly be silent? It's going to be Malaysia's first SILENT dance party with handphones and headphones plugged in and dancing. If you’re selected, you’ll be sent an invitation email along with a link to download music tracks for the Silent Dance Party onto your phone or any other mobile music devices. That’s if you’re invited.
As fun as this may sound, I don't look forward to such events as I'm not a party animal in any way. Even if I'm invited, I'll not be going either as it won't be an interesting affair for me when I can't get my kids into the groove. After all, Nuffnang is giving only 2 free tickets to lucky winners.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Handbag Planet CONTEST

All the best!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Problems with Entrecard
The entrecard takes extremely long to load for some reason and I find it pretty time consuming to spend my entire time working on it. I 'll keep trying and will continue to drop but didn't want my regular droppers to think I had stopped reciprocating drops.
I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing problems with EC or is it just me? I apologize and I hope to get back to dropping as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Going Organic
I've started consuming organic supplements a few years ago to help maintain my well-being and I feel that my family and I benefit from this. Some decades ago, the trend was to go synthetic but these days synthetic vitamins are less effective and maybe toxic as well.
I've made an effort to gradually move towards more organic/less chemicals in my foods to reap the benefits in years to come.
On the other hand, I've to confess that at times I might not be able to control myself from such exotic food I eat outside but I stay away from fast food as much as possible. I understand that organic products can be relatively expensive so I tend to spend within my budget.
With countless organic products cluttering on the shelves, it's important to distinguish a genuine product from a fake. If you wish to purchase organic products, you should look out for certified organic label.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Exam Blues
In today's fast-paced world, every parents want their kids to be competent and efficient in order to strive good grades in school. As a parent, I think time management is important. I make it a point to organise my kids' study time, at least an hour a day.

Monday, October 6, 2008
Favourite CARTOONS
Friday, October 3, 2008
Breast cancer awareness
All women particularly 40 and over should get mammogram and clinical breast exam yearly. Sadly, there are still many women who are completely ignorant about this. Most women tend to take things for granted. This is something we can't afford to be negligent about.
It goes without saying that women losing their boobs can be devastating. I'm sure it's tough for any women to go through this ordeal. Naturally it could have a massive impact on their lives.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
As usual, Muslims through out the country will be looking forward to spending time with their families in their respective hometowns. With the long festive break, I guess the non-Muslims will take the opportunity to go for a vacation with their loved ones too.
SO drive safely, eat moderately, sleep tight, have a positive attitude, dress to kill with your shiny baju raya and on top of all, be happy always.
Last but not least, here's wishing all my Muslim friends, bloggers and business associates,
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