Cameron Highlands Tea Plantation, Malaysia

Friday, January 28, 2011

PhotoHunt - Standing

There are plenty of options that came to my mind for this week's photohunt theme and it took me a while to decide what pictures to post. After much thought, I thought I'd share with you a couple of photos that I took on our trip to Salzburg last year.

This is a unique sculpture of Sphaera, which depicts a man standing on a large golden sphere at Chapter Square with the Hohensalzburg Fortress towering above it in the background.

When I first spotted this statue, I thought it was a real man standing on the golden sphere. He was so lifelike, that I had to take a closer look to convince myself that he was not real. This artwork project created by Stephan Balkenhol is known to be associated to the Mozart balls that are sold all over the city. Now don't start getting dirty images in your mind as what I'm referring to is chocolate balls. It's a great sales gimmick, but the sweet delicacies are simply irresistible.

I bought a selection of interesting fillings and those with novel combination from this store. A couple of cardboard cutouts of Mozart standing can be seen in front of the store as a tribute of what a great composer he was. And it seems like the sales person couldn't resist being a part of the photo op too. :)



  1. Wow, is that a real person on top of that globe... looks real.

  2. I thought the man standing on the sphere was real to he's so life like had me fooled. Mozart's Chocolate Balls, i laughed at that because it's just my bizarre and naughty mind at work :-).

  3. Mozart Kugeln, Mozart Talers, hm...yummy. I like them very much, it is an AUstrian speciality. I also eat Mozart Kugeln icecream.

    Salzburg is a wonderful city, where everybody may find something! It is very well situated, encircled by mountains and, for its position it is considered one of the most beautiful city in the world.

  4. Oh my I thought that was a man standing on the giant sphere too! Thank for the explanation :) Looks like a fun place to visit! Happy photo hunting, and happy weekend! :)

  5. These are great photos. I love that sculpture!

  6. These are wonderful photos for this theme. The man standing atop the sphere is very life-like.

  7. Oh Mozart musical balls are on sales? hehe. What a *crazy* idea putting a man on the ball..tQ

  8. Wonderful photos LR! The shop looks interesting.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  9. The figure on top of the globe does look real. These are all great shots. Happy weekend.

  10. I like your take on the theme. I love the sculpture. Have a great weekend

  11. This is cool sort like live one. good choice for the theme. Mine is up.

    Mine is here

  12. The first photo is stunning. Your photos are always so amazing, a visual treat all the time. Plus a little tour.

  13. Great photos -- the top most is truly spectacular. Love the angle from which you took it.

  14. I thought the person on top was real... thanks for explaining.. perfect for the theme~

  15. I loved Austria. Thanks for posting these pictures. I stood underneath that sphere for photos as well as other tourists. Did you go up to the fortress above?

  16. the fortress is also standing on top of the hill. these are fascinating photos.

  17. these are great photos for the theme. i wouldn't mind taking a photo op with Mozart. :)

    happy weekend! :)

  18. Great shots of a town I often visit. I love Mozart kuglen!
    Happy weekend.

    My entry is here

  19. I thought it's a realy person too and was going to ask how was he able to climb up there.

    great take.

  20. I would love to have a life-sized cut out of Mozart! I used to work in a book store and almost always got the cut outs that we got when a new book came out. I loved them.

  21. For a momnet i thought it was a man standing there too. :) Greats shot and have a great weekend. CY.
    Mines at

  22. at first i thought i was a real person... phew... love the pic

  23. This is a great post this week's theme. The sphere and man to me is kinda weird especially in the Austrian square. But then art is supposed to bring out strong reactions and it definitely does.

  24. I thought it was a real person too! Wonder how many people a day go up close to check, lol. Great entries...

  25. I thought like you too, he really looks like a man.

  26. I really like the look of that installation art! I think I might add Salzburg to my list of places to visit. It looks quite intriguing and beautiful. Thank you!

  27. Thanks so much to everyone for your visits and I appreciate your kind comments.

    We walked past the castle but we didn't go inside as the queues were terribly long upon our visit. We didn't want to waste a good part of the day waiting in line but glad i was able to take great views of Salzburg and the surroundings.

  28. those chocolates looks so inviting! i didn't realize there is a man standing on top until you zoomed in for us. it must be shocking when you first saw it.

  29. That statue is pretty cool - at first glance, it looks like a real person on top of the sphere!

  30. Great pictures. Such a pretty city! Yeah, I thought that was a guy standing there, too. The first thought that popped in my mind was he was lost and looking for his car or his bearings or something! I think it's because he's dressed up - he looks like a business man.
