Cameron Highlands Tea Plantation, Malaysia

Monday, November 23, 2009

Today's Flowers - Impatiens

Impatiens flowers take their name from the Latin, impatiens, "impatient." They are being called because their ripe seed pods will sometimes burst when slightly touch. Perhaps they are too impatient to reproduce. :) There are many species of impatiens flowers, often misspelled as "impatience" or "impatients".

I came across these appealing flowers spreading out before the eye at Cactus Valley. As the name implies, they could be suitable and a great remedy for a person who is impatient and frustrated. That said, I'm totally the impatient one! Perhaps, I should plant them too. :)

First Commenter - fishing guy


  1. LR: That is a summer flower that is often grown in baskets.

  2. I like the pink flowers :)

  3. These don't seem to do well in the heat of Southern Oregon's summers. They are available in baskets, but don't really look goo for too long. Unfortunate as they are beautiful when healthy.

  4. The pink flowers with the dark leaves compliment each other!
    Nice capture!

  5. Lovely flowers - I should get some. Patience is not my virtue!

    The top plant has nice reddish brown leaves.

  6. There's such a plant called Impatients flowers? Hahaha :D What a funny name.

  7. Ouh...that's why they are called impatient huh. Touch...then burst. LOL :D Ya, they wanna have "children" very, very soon. :)

  8. Thanks for the sharing LR! :D Have a great day.

  9. i have these in the garden of my house. they remained very pretty most of the time. i didn't notice those are different buds at all. :)

  10. I'm quite impatient too LR! Maybe I should get a basket or two of those flowers.
    Though come to think about it, they'll probably die in less than a week.
    Green thumb, I certainly am not! LOL

  11. those are lovely! it sure will make any patio or garden a place of beauty!

  12. What a great entry you have! Worth visiting here. Mine is up! Hope to hear from you soon. God Bless!

  13. oh i love the first flower.. well, guess i am much ofa darker color person... impatiens? they sound like impatient to me haha :P.

    lovely absolutely lovely.

  14. I used to keep this flowering plant. Beautiful and bright coloured!

  15. What a funny name, think that many people may not like to grow them.

  16. Impatiens are one of my favorite flowers in the garden and yours are lovely. Enjoyed your photos very much, thank you.

  17. I get to learn something today =) thanks LR!

    How was your weekend?

  18. Mmmm, interesting information! So this is how the flower got its' name!

  19. Hi LR! oh I am also quite the impatient one :-P

  20. Interesting to know more about this impatient flower, thanks sweetie! :)

  21. Dropping EC and wishing u a lovely Wed! :)

  22. The name does explain the nature of this flower. I don't know much the names of the flowers but I have seen these. Those orange ones are lovely.

  23. I can't remember seeing these before. They are beautiful.

  24. Love both the Orange and Pink Flowers. Both are really Gorgeous. Thanks for sharing I really liked it.
