Cameron Highlands Tea Plantation, Malaysia

Monday, July 12, 2010

Ruby Tuesday - Germany Pavilion at Shanghai Expo

Picture 421
The Germany Pavilion was one of the few pavilions that my hubby managed to visit at the Shanghai Expo. Having heard positive reviews from friends, he was keen on visiting the interactive exhibits at the pavilion. My hubby took tons of shots and I thought I would share some pictures of the modern, creative and innovative face of Germany.

Here are some artistic renditions of the pavilion.

Picture 503
An underwater escalator takes visitors to the Harbour

Picture 516Picture 518Picture 515
The theme of the pavilion, is Balancity and it features
a thrilling interplay of various urban spaces of buildings and nature and how the country's design and products can help overcome urbanization problems.

Picture 495-1
For those who have not visited Germany, the Pavilion will be a great eye opener to visitors as it features some of the magnificent landmarks of the city. Moving past these presentations, you can make your way into the city. There are backdrops showcasing almost life-sized images of some of the landscapes.

Picture 530
Picture 508
The pavilion also showcases a variety of contemporary art collections and cultural scene.

Picture 547
Other German innovations include the energy source, the city's power plant which is the main highlight of the exhibition. Interestingly, visitors can cause a ton of sphere to swing by shouting together, a symbol that people can get things moving by working together.


  1. Nope...I am not I guess. :p

    Wow...Germany's one look a little simple but the energy awesome. :D

    By shouting together can cause a ton of sphere to swing? Now that's interesting!

  2. That's a very interesting-looking place. So sunny and bright.

  3. Love getting glimpses into other countries and cultures - thanks for sharing.

    Tink *~*~*

  4. The exhibition looks fantastic! How nice of you to share your photos.

  5. Very interesting place. I enjoyed looking at the photos.

    Happy RT!

  6. Great photos! Shanghai is a great place to visit. I've been there a few years ago.

    My entries:
    Moms... Check Nyo

  7. That is fantastic. The Pavilion is beautiful. I so remember Expo 67 in Montreal. and the German was one of my favourites. I was 8 back way back then!!!

  8. Have a wonderful day sweetie... ha ha no more World Cup to watch.. but it was an enjoyable month wasn't it? Get back to reality now.. :)

  9. I really like the contemporary art collections, very nice and looks so real! :)

  10. oh wow..quite impressive and definitely, a must-see. Great captures!

  11. The underwater escalator is very cool!

  12. Thanks for these absolutely marvelous pictures.Your hubby does amazing photography.You have also nicely described all the pictures and the themes.Thanks a ton once again.

  13. Fascinating, what creative people can do to create a certain atmosphere.

  14. I love the underwater escalator. :)

  15. I'm particularly thrilled of the underwater escalator. I haven't seen like that before. It would be a great experience to me who's scared of underwater. The whole expo is really interesting and makes me daydream about it.

  16. Looking at your posts is like travelling online. Thanks for sharing:)

  17. I'been to Germany a few times but never to Shangai. Your husband is very talented. Thanks for sharing.


  18. Where is the pavilion of Malaysia?

    We are called to sponsor!!!

  19. Looks fun and interesting.. Thanks so much for sharing! :)

  20. Great post. Beautiful pavilion. Thank you for sharing.

  21. i love the contemporary art collections and underwater escalator :D

  22. What an interesting Pavilion! The underwater escalator looks nice!

  23. There is so much to see just in 1 pavilion!
