Cameron Highlands Tea Plantation, Malaysia

Saturday, June 9, 2012

PhotoHunt - Clean graveyards

nikon D90 037
Cheng Beng 2011 006nikon D90 040

My father in law's remains are buried at Unique Memorial Park in Kedah. We gathered here each year to offer prayers and to pay homage to him during the Qingming Festival.

The park is decorated with Chinese-inspired architecture and I enjoyed the beautiful views and tranquility here. The customer service has been great and the staff members have done a great job in keeping the place clean and bright. It doesn't feel like depression or spooky coming here.

Sandi's PhotoHunt

Gattina's PhotoHunting


  1. It looks peaceful and lovely. Love the bright bougainvillea, happy weekend and thanks for your kind welcoming words

    graveyard ~ clean

  2. looks very serene and i like the cleanliness and the layout too.

    happy weekend.

  3. Interesting graveyard with nice clean lines. I like the shots very much.

  4. It looks peaceful, neat and clean. I like the spacious surroundings. We can never get this huge space for our graveyard.

  5. It does look like a love place for quiet reflection and remembrance :)

  6. Bonza photos. No favourite one this time round :-).

  7. I have never thought about photographing in a Chinese cematary !

  8. It looks like a very nice park -- the kind which the living can appreciate and hopefully where the dead are happy to peacefully rest! :)

  9. That is really a very beautiful graveyard ! Not so grey and sad as here in Belgium !

  10. They are different from ours.
    They are very beautiful place and serene.

  11. It looks like a serene place!

    The toombs are alike with Korean toombs, and I didn't know that the Chinese ones are the same form. Only here it is an interesting combination between the toombs and the stone enclosure.

  12. Beautiful and tidy :-)
    They almost look like rows of neatly made beds.

  13. the mounds look interesting and different from other memorial parks we have here. this looks like a fairly new memorial park.

  14. This is a very nice peaceful graveyard. I like the nice clean lines. I have never seen a Chinese graveyard before, thanks for sharing.
    Happy weekend.


  15. Indeed, it's a peaceful place. Better way to respect our departed loved ones.
