These days the weather can be pretty unpredictable. One day it could be raining non-stop, the next it's the burning hot weather and with this change in weather usually strucks the coughs, colds and fevers. It actually started last week when my hubby threw up and he had a respiratory virus but he's feeling much better now. By Saturday, my baby started running fever and last night particularly, we had a night of musical beds. My girl was grunting with teeth clenching with tears in her eyes. That's only because her throat and colds were bothering her. Typically, when my children get sick, I don't sleep well.
photo taken while she was sleeping soundly yesterday afternoonLast night she ended up sleeping with us because I had to get up so much to check on her. She's been really fussy for the past few days and had lots of sneezing and nasal congestion making it difficult for her to breathe normally. I fed my baby some medication and apply nasal drops but it seems like she hates those medicines, they're way too sweet for her liking. Today she has gotten up a bit warm but she was in much better mood than she was in yesterday. She hasn't felt too good all weekend, but she didn't seem to be getting worse though. Her appetite was badly affected and her mood swings, to say the very least.
As parents, one thing we all dread is when our kids fall sick. Trips to the doctor, forcing medication down the throat of a wailing child and taking leave from work to care for them turn our lives topsy-turvy. If you have kids you know what it's like when your kid is unfeeling well.
Time for medication. It is really freaking her out. she just runs away or screams and cries at the top of her lungs.Hopefully my baby will feel better soon, so we can have fun later this week.
First Commenter - Julia